
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I reset my password ?
  1. Click the forgot password link on the login page.
  2. The password recovery page will load. Enter the email address you used to register with in the 'Email' text box.
  3. Complete the reCaptcha by clicking the 'I am not a robot' check box. If you are presented with a puzzle, follow the intructions to complete it. If you are unsure of how to use the reCaptcha go to this link https://support.google.com/recaptcha/?hl=en#6081912_ and read the instructions under the heading 'Using reCAPTCHA V2'. After successfully completing the reCapture click the 'Reset' button.
  4. You will receive an email with a temporary password.
  5. Click the 'Log In' link to go to the login page.
  6. Enter your username/email in the 'Username/Email' textbox.
  7. Copy the temporary password from the email received in step 4 by highlighting it with the cursor and then either pressing Ctrl+C or right clicking and selecting 'Copy'.
  8. Paste the temporary password in the 'Password' textbox by right clicking and selecting 'Paste' or by pressing Ctrl+V
  9. Click the 'Login' button. You will be logged into the system. Note : The temporary password is only valid for 1 login. If you logged in successfully previously and did not reset the password to one of your choice, you will have to request a new temporary password via the 'Forgot Password' link on the login page.
  10. The reset password page will load.
  11. Copy the temporary password from the email received in step 4 by highlighting it with the cursor and then either pressing Ctrl+C or right clicking and selecting 'Copy'.
  12. If the 'Current password' textbox is already populated, clear it using backspace to ensure that it is empty. Please do not use the automatically populated password that your browser fills in, as this will cause an error. Clear the automatically filled password.
  13. Paste the temporary password in the 'Current password' textbox by right clicking and selecting 'Paste' or by pressing Ctrl+V.
  14. Enter a password of your choice in the 'New password' textbox. The password has to be at least 6 characters long and contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, a numeric character and a special character eg. !,@,#,$,%,&,*.
  15. Enter the password you created in step 14. in the 'Confirm new password’ textbox.
  16. Click the 'Change password' button.

If you are still experiencing difficulties please log a ticket with your previous ticket number prefixed with 'PRQ' in the Reference No. field.
eg. Reference number : PRQ3251 where 3251 was the ticket number of the previous ticket logged.